उपविराम :
उपविराम(:) का मतलब है किसी सूची को बनाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला विराम चिन्ह इसे कोलन या अर्पूणविराम भी कहते हैं। इसका इस्तेमाल किसी शब्द की सीमा निर्धारण के लिए, पुस्तक, निबंध आदि शीर्षक के लिए अथवा लिखित संवादों में उपविराम(:) का प्रयोग करते हैं। वाक्य में एक ही तरह के पद या पदबंधों को अलग-अलग दिखाने के लिए भी उपविराम(:) का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है जैसे-
माँः ममता की प्रतिमूर्ति
प्रदूषणः एक समस्या। (निबंध)
दीपकः क्या तुम बाजार जा रहे हो।(संवाद)
सोनूः नहीं अभी नहीं। (संवाद)
कशमीरः ए ट्रेजरी ऑफ एरर्स (पुस्तक का नाम)
योजक चिन्ह :
योजक चिन्ह(-) वह होता है,जो दो या अधिक शब्दों को जोड़ने का कार्य करता है। इसका प्रयोग वाक्यों में शब्दों के बीच स्पष्टता लाने और सही अर्थ प्रकट करने के लिए किया जाता है। हिंदी में (-) के रूप में दर्शाया जाता है।
योजक चिन्ह का प्रयोग-
1) विपरीत अर्थ वाले शब्दों को जोड़नाः- उदाहरण - दिन-रात, काला-गोरा, सुख- दुख
2)दोनों शब्द प्रधान हो ‘और’ शब्द लुप्त होः- उदाहरण- दाल-रोटी, राधा-कृष्ण, पेड़- पत्ते
3)समानार्थक शब्दों के बीचः- उदाहरण- दीन-दुखी, हँसी-खुशी, मार-पीट
4)दो क्रियोओं का एक साथ प्रयोगः- उदाहरण- पढ़ना-लिखना, आना-जाना, खाना-पीना
5)विशेषण पदों का संज्ञा के अर्थ में प्रयोगः- उदाहरण- भूखा-प्यास, अंधा-बहरा
6)सार्थक और निरर्थक शब्दों के बीचः- उदाहरण- रोटी-वोटी, पानी-वानी, झूठ-मूठ
7)द्विरूचि वाले शब्दों के बीचः- उदाहरण- राम-राम, शहर-शहर, गाँव-गाँव
8)संख्याओं के बीचः- उदाहरण- एक-तिहाई, साठ-आठ, दस-बारह
योजक चिन्ह के उदाहरण-
सुख - दुख जीवन के दो पहलू है ।
मोहन ने बच्चों को चार-चार मिठाइयां दी ।
सृष्टि के कण-कण में राम बसे हैं ।
योजन के महत्वपूर्ण उदाहरण-
1) द्वंद्व और तत्पुरुष समास में योजक चिन्ह का प्रयोग होता है।उदाहरण- हवन-सामग्री, देश-भक्ति
2)द्विगु समास में योजक चिन्ह का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता। उदाहरण- नवग्रह, पंचवटी
Colon (उपविराम):
A colon (:) is a punctuation mark used to introduce a list. It is also known as Arpunavirama in Hindi. A colon is used to define word boundaries, book or essay titles, or in written dialogues. It is also used to separate similar types of words or phrases in a sentence.
Mother: The embodiment of love.
Pollution: A problem. (Essay title)
Deepak: Are you going to the market? (Dialogue)
Sonu: No, not right now. (Dialogue)
Kashmir: A Treasury of Errors. (Book title)
Hyphen (योजक चिन्ह):
A hyphen (-) is used to connect two or more words. It helps in bringing clarity to sentences and expresses meaning more precisely. In Hindi, a hyphen is represented as (-).
Usage of a Hyphen:
1) To connect words with opposite meanings:
Day-Night (दिन-रात)
Black-White (काला-गोरा)
Happiness-Sorrow (सुख-दुख)
2) When both words are important and the word "and" is omitted:
Lentils-Roti (दाल-रोटी)
Radha-Krishna (राधा-कृष्ण)
Tree-Leaves (पेड़-पत्ते)
3) Between synonyms:
Poor-Needy (दीन-दुखी)
Laughter-Joy (हँसी-खुशी)
Beating (मार-पीट)
4) To indicate two actions occurring together:
Reading-Writing (पढ़ना-लिखना)
Coming-Going (आना-जाना)
Eating-Drinking (खाना-पीना)
5) When adjectives are used as nouns:
Hungry-Thirsty (भूखा-प्यासा)
Blind-Deaf (अंधा-बहरा)
6) Between meaningful and meaningless words:
Roti-Woti (रोटी-वोटी)
Water-Vater (पानी-वानी)
Fake-Lies (झूठ-मूठ)
7) Between repetitive words (Dvandva words):
Ram-Ram (राम-राम)
City-City (शहर-शहर)
Village-Village (गाँव-गाँव)
8) Between numbers:
One-Third (एक-तिहाई)
Sixty-Eight (साठ-आठ)
Ten-Twelve (दस-बारह)
Examples of Hyphen Usage:
Happiness-Sorrow are two aspects of life.
Mohan gave the children four-four sweets.
Lord Ram resides in every particle of the universe.
Important Notes on Hyphen Usage:
A hyphen is used in Dvandva Samas and Tatpurush Samas:
Examples: Havan-Materials (हवन-सामग्री), Patriotism (देश-भक्ति)
A hyphen is not used in Dvigu Samas:
Examples: Navagraha (नवग्रह), Panchvati (पंचवटी)
BhashaLab is a dynamic platform dedicated to the exploration and mastery of languages, operating both online and offline. Our mission is to provide comprehensive language education that alligns with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and the National Credit Framework, ensuring our learners achieve recognized and transferable credits.
Our Offerings:
Credit-Based, Self-Paced Courses: We offer a range of language courses (Sanskrit, Marathi, Hindi and Sanskrit) for schools and colleges, meticulously designed to meet the standards of NEP 2020 and the National Credit Framework. Our programs can also be integrated into the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) portfolio. These courses guarantee learning outcomes that are highly valued by both academia and industry.
Offline Courses: We deliver subjects such as English and Sanskrit School Syllabi, English Grammar, English Creative Writing, and English Communication Skills at our Thane center. Additionally, we collaborate with reputable institutions to offer credit-based programs (English, Marathi, Hindi and Sanskrit), ensuring adherence to NEP guidelines and the National Credit Framework for both schools and Higher Education Institutes (HEIs).
Live Online Courses: We provide live, instructor-led online courses covering English School Syllabi (all boards), English Grammar, English Creative Writing, and English Communication Skills. Unlike pre-recorded sessions, our live classes offer real-time interaction with educators. Upon course completion, students receive detailed assessment reports, facilitating easy credit acquisition. These courses are also in line with NEP and the National Credit Framework for schools and HEIs.
Bilingual and Trilingual Books: We develop and publish bilingual and trilingual language books for both children and adults, available on Amazon, to foster language development and cultural appreciation.
Language Competitions: Our platform organizes both online and offline language competitions, attracting participants globally and promoting linguistic excellence.
Educational Content: Our blogs and YouTube videos serve as rich resources for language enthusiasts, offering insights and knowledge on various linguistic topics.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@bhashalab
Research Support: We encourage language research by offering fellowship to PhD students, fostering academic inquiry and advancement in linguistic studies.
At BhashaLab, we are committed to delivering quality language education that is accessible, flexible, and aligned with national educational standards, empowering learners to achieve their academic and professional goals.
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